GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 Drupal

Create Plugins for Style Guide module [Task 5]

completed by: chalet16

mentors: agentrickard

Task description:

The Style Guide module for Drupal provides a visual testing page for Drupal themes. Quickly compare the display of common elements across installed Drupal themes, and verify that selected themes addresses all common style elements.

Be sure to use the latest version of HEAD, which incorporates the changes in [#949070].

-- Download and install Drupal 7.
-- Visit the 'Appearance' page in the administration interface to find the Style Guide links.

New plugins

Using the API (styleguide.api.php, in the module download), create a patch to or create a module include file that adds preview elements only when optional core modules are enabled:

[Task 5: 7 hrs]
-- theme_maintenance_page() (2 hrs)
-- theme_pager() (2 hrs)
-- theme_progress_bar() (2 hrs)
-- theme_system_powered_by() (1 hr)


-- Patch(es) to include the desired features to the Style Guide module.


Style Guide module: Style guide module

Primary contact:


Estimated time: 7 hours

Drupal issue: DrupalIssue-989076