GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 Haiku

Create a demo package - images

completed by: ScienceJust

mentors: humdinger

We need media material when doing presentations. You just can't show off MediaPlayer or Clockwerk without video and audio clips, ShowImage without images and file management and queries and attributes without a lot of different data files.

This task is for the creation of an image package.


We'd like to have a photography buff that has a wide variety of high quality images and would give us permission to use them. You can sprinkle your own "best of" collection with some gems off the internet (maybe more graphical stuff for gifs and pngs and the more uncommon formats). We'd like to have a wide variety of images, so choose various motives.

Please link to a few samples of your original work when claiming this ticket.

Everything has to have a liberal license like Creative Commons that allows us to use it for demo purposes!


There should be at least 30 images in this package.

Keep a README file, listing all images, their origin URL and license if they are not your own creation.

Images should be of different resolutions from small to a few megapixel.

We'd like to have most of the formats supported by our DataTranslators covered (bmp, exr, gif, windows icon images,  jpg2000, jpg, pcx, png, ppm, raw, sgi, tga, tiff, webp). Naturally, we'd prefer to have smaller images for the non-compressing formats...


It goes without saying, everything has to be in good taste, no sexist, racist or other controversial topics.