GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 KDE

Improve KHangMan webpages on KDE-Edu, techbase and userbase

completed by: Diego Luca Candido

mentors: Anne-Marie Mahfouf

KHangMan is a program that helps kids and adults to learn vocabularies by playing the hangman game. When we ported the old website to the new current style, some information was lost. I will provide you with the information and you will need to add it at the appropriate place: Userbase, Techbase or KDE-Edu websites.

The KDE-Edu and Userbase websites reach users while the Techbase website targets developers. There is no developer oriented information at all and the user targetted information is not well explained.

1) Get familiar with KHangMan by running it and playing with it

2) Look at existing good information like Marble:, and

3) Get familiar with the KDE wikis: Userbase and Techbase and see how Marble split its information across the 3 websites.

4) Edit the Userbase and Techbase wikis in order to add the appropriate information

5) Send your suggestions for the KDE-Edu website so they can be added