GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 KDE

Blog about your Google Code-In work about Marble

completed by: Utku Aydın

mentors: tackat

This task is for people who have completed one or more tasks about Marble.

Now that you've finished your work on development it's time to raise awareness about it:

Create a blog entry about the whole work you've done:

  • Create a small description of the highlights.
  • Add a small screenshot for every single hightlight.
  • Point to documentation if it exists (userbase, docs, screencasts).
  • Describe your experience with the Marble team.
  • And if you liked the involvedment ask people to get involved with coding, documentation, artwork and promotion of Marble. Point them to our webpage: . You can use  the Marble-all-hands picture at ("Lots of helping hands have contributed to Marble ... join us!") in your blog to emphasize that point:


In order to complete the task you need to publish the blog entry (ideally also on if possible)