GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 MoinMoin Wiki

find a bug, fix a bug (difficulty: easy) 3/3

completed by: Pavel Vinogradov

mentors: Alexander Schremmer, ReimarBauer, Thomas Waldmann, Ronny Pfannschmidt


Find a bug, add a unittest, fix the bug.

Note: if you have found some bug you want to fix, talk to the moin developers about its difficulty and THEN claim the appropriate task for that difficulty level.


We have quite some bug reports on the wiki, fix a real bug that happens in current moin (1.9 repo).

  • find something you could fix
  • research whether it happens with current moin (only these bugs qualify, if it doesn't happen any more, make sure bug report is/gets closed!)
  • talk about it with the moin developers (some bug reports might be bogus or will be fixed by moin2) to estimate its difficulty
  • determine the problem
  • if you can write a unit test for the issue, do that.
  • fix the issue.

Deliverable: patch or changeset

Skill Requirements

See tags. Depending on the bug, misc. skills might be required.

You can discuss this issue in the MoinMoin wiki:

This issue is available multiple times. This one is 3 of 3.