GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 Parrot Foundation and The Perl Foundation

Increase test coverage of Math dynops by 20%

completed by: Matt Rajca

mentors: cotto

Task Description

Increase the code coverage of the math opcodes by at least 20%

Steps To Complete This Task

Currently, the math dynops(dynamically loadable opcodes) are at 45% code coverage, which is a too low. This task requires the student to write tests to increase the code coverage. The tests should be added to t/dynoplibs/math.t
  1. Create a fork of parrot.git on
  2. Perform all the necessary code and/or documentation changes
  3. Build parrot and run it's test suite (make fulltest) to verify that things still work
  4. You can also submit a smoke report with "make smoke", but that is optional.
  5. Create a Github pull request (button on the upper right of your fork) to have your changes incorporated into the master repository


  1. This will ensure there are no hidden bugs in our Hashs, which are a very important subsystem of Parrot.


  1. Knowledge of writing tests and PIR
  2. Abillity to debug.

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