GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 Haiku

Fix tickets #4698 (prefs not saved) and #4765 (draft dirs placement) in Mail application.

completed by: Alex11223

mentors: Siarhei Zharski

Your task is:

  • Setup Haiku in Virtual Machine (Virtual Box recommended) or on real hardware;
  • Download standalone version of Haiku Mail application from the link below;
  • Take familiar with the code and both problems description;
  • Use make to build the application. Resulting executable binary you'll find in 'objects-...' directory;
  • To fix #4698 you have to investigate the source of problem and fix the erroneous behaviour;
  • To fix #4765 please bring in order placement of directories for draft mails and for queries (see the comment);
Good luck!