GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 KDE

Prepare illustrated introduction to integrating Kontact with Google services (to be hosted on UserBase)

completed by: ViktorC

mentors: Kevin Krammer, atul jha, Anne Wilson

A set of screen-shots and/or short screen-casts showing how to set up Google integration. They should include setting up forwarded mail from GMail, using GMail IMAP resources, integrating contact information, and integrating Google Calendar with KOrganizer calendar.
Ideally there should be scope for language-independence. This might take the form of animated gifs with a text description suitable for translation, or, preferably, video with the possibility of soundtrack overlays.
Pre-requisites: A working Kontact of the latest stable version, to include a calendar suitable for testing with Google Calendar. A GMail account. Installed software for preparation of animated gifs or full screen-casts. Basic wiki markup skills. An IRC client installed.