GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 KDE

Marble: Create a nice blog entry about your favorite Marble feature

completed by: Deep_Sky28

mentors: Torsten Rahn

"Marble has lots of nice features. Have a look at it and create a nice blog entry that goes into details describing your favorite feature. The blog entry should have at least 3 screenshots, should have about 500+ words and should encourage people to use Marble. You can write it either in your own language or in English. For a successful completion you need to have your blog appear on and you need to publish your blog there.
Suggested topics: Recent features that have been added (OSM Vector support, Marble Touch, Satellite View, etc.)
Expected results: A blog entry about your favorite Marble feature that appears on
Prerequisites: Knowledge about how to write a blog entry / Knowledge about Marble"