GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 KDE

Create a new "Historic Moon Map" map theme for Marble

completed by: Abhishek Arora

mentors: Torsten Rahn, Earthwings

Marble already provides several maps of the moon. Among them a map from Hevelius based on his old drawing of the moon.

This task is about creating a similar historical map based on a sketch by Thomas Harriot:

Since there have been no spacecrafts up to this point the maps of the moon will only cover one hemisphere (possibly a bit more due to libration which we need to ignore/average out).

We've created a step-by-step-tutorial that you can follow to create earth based historic maps:

Historical Maps Tutorial

The reprojection tool used in this tutorial needs to be slightly modified in order to reproject the drawing to an equirectangular map:

The line 51 in stereographic/src/projection.c needs to be modified so that

double denom = 1;

The map should have a legend (like the one of Hevelius) which provides some links and explanations to the content of the map.

Also inside the legend the full amount of letters and numbers that is used should get referenced to the current names: e.g.:

l = Copernikus

18 = Mare Crisium

The numbered list should be ordered by the number. The alphabetical list should be ordered by the alphabet.


Expected results: A new historical map of the moon ready for upload to the GHNS server.
Prerequisites: Knowledge of editing xml files, basic C/math skills