GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 LimeSurvey

Port the Central Participant's Database panel core functionality into the YII framework (3/3)

completed by: Gaurav Narula

mentors: aniessh, Marcel Minke

The Limesurvey's new feature Central Participant's Panel needs to be ported into the YII branch. In the Third task,  you will port the interaction part of the CPDB with the token system . 


Task Steps:

  • Install LimeSurvey - create a small survey. 
  • Understanding the working of the panel and all the functions associated with it.
  • Create some dummy participants in the CPDB panel and copy it to the token table . 
  • Understanding the function behind it and port it into the YII framework. 
  • Discuss the patch with your mentor and ask for feedback.
  • Check-in your changes into the LimeSurvey svn trunk.
  • Done!