GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 Parrot Foundation

Cleanup compiler functions

completed by: Aleksandar

mentors: Andrew Whitworth

Task Description

Parrot Ticket #2135 suggests an improvement to the Parrot_compile_string and Parrot_compile_file functions in the file src/interp/inter_misc.c. Currently this function assumes that the given text or file is to be compiled using the default PIR compiler. However, this is not always going to be the case.

NOTE: Due to some other work, these functions might be renamed to Parrot_interp_compile_string and Parrot_interp_compile_file in src/interp/api.c

Fix these two functions in the following ways:

  1. Parrot_compile_file should take three arguments: PARROT_INTERP, STRING *fullname, and STRING *compiler.
  2. Update all places that call Parrot_compile_file to pass in the correct compiler name string to use ("PIR" or "PASM" for most existing cases)
  3. Parrot_compile_string should take three arguments: PARROT_INTERP, STRING *code and STRING *compiler. Notice that the "error" parameter is disappearing and will not be replaced.
  4. run "make headerizer" to update all .h files
  5. Update all places that call Parrot_compile_string to use the correct arguments.
  6. Update tests and documentation that reference these functions

Steps To Complete This Task

  1. Create a fork of parrot.git on
  2. Perform all the necessary code and/or documentation changes
  3. Build parrot and run it's test suite (make fulltest) to verify that things still work
  4. You can also submit a smoke report with "make smoke", but that is optional. This requires installing a few Perl modules from CPAN.
  5. Create a Github pull request (button on the upper right of your fork) to have your changes incorporated into the master repository


  1. Stuff


  1. Knowledge of BLANK.
  2. Abillity of BLANK.

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