GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 Apertium

Extract Armenian noun inflection from Wiktionary

completed by: conor-f

mentors: Francis Tyers

Screen scrape and extract inflectional information in speling format for all words in the category Armenian nouns from Wiktionary.[1]

Care should be taken to probably deal with:

* Alternative forms

* Some defective paradigms (e.g. missing locative)

* Animacy

Example input:

Example output:

ախոռ; ախոռ; sg.nom.ind; n.nn
ախոռ; ախոռը; sg.nom.def; n.nn
ախոռ; ախոռի; sg.gen.ind; n.nn
ախոռ; ախոռին; sg.gen.def; n.nn
ախոռ; ախոռից; sg.abl.ind; n.nn
ախոռ; ախոռն; sg.nom.def; n.nn
ախոռ; ախոռով; sg.ins.ind; n.nn
ախոռ; ախոռում; sg.loc.ind; n.nn

