Create graphs of available pairs with graphviz for stable, Romance language and North Germanic language pairs

completed by: Daniel Huang

mentors: Youssef Oualmakran

Create graphs of available pairs with graphviz for  stable, Romance language and North Germanic language pairs

Create graphs with graphviz and generate PNG for
a/ the Romance languages ;
b/ the North Germanic languages and
c/ the stable pairs (currently 33 pairs) [1][2][3].

Examples of code

//Save this file under
    graph romance {
            es -- fr
            fr -- pt
            pt -- es
            ca -- es

This example code create four edges (ie four pairs): es-fr, fr-pt, pt-es, ca-es.

Graph generation

In a terminal launch this command:
    dot -Tpng -o romance.png

More information about Graphvis is available at [4][5]

Required knowledge

* Be familiar with codes used for languages (eg. en for English and pt for Portugish)
* (Strongly advised) Have Linux installed (using Virtualbox is OK)
* Be able to install software
* Be able to launch commands in shell/terminal
* Be able to use a text editor


* Send the three files with the graphviz source code of the requested graphs
* Send the three files with PNG images of the requested graphs

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Usefull links
