GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 BRL-CAD

Compile BRL-CAD using LLVM 3.1

completed by: Richard Tynan

mentors: Sean

BRL-CAD builds pervasively on a number of different operating systems, hardware, and compilers.  We actively seek out new compilation environments and like to get them working as best as we can.  We regularly build with Microsoft Visual Studio (the professional one you have to pay for), GCC, and a number of other compilers.

This task involves attempting to compile BRL-CAD using the latest released version of LLVM's Clang compiler.  You'll need to download our source code, CMake, and LLVM.  Compile BRL-CAD and keep notes of everything you do along the way.  You'll report back any failures and otherwise document all the steps you take.  Submit a complete build log and your notes documenting everything you did.

Bonus points if you make any fixes that get it working.  You MUST first compile BRL-CAD successfully before claiming this task.

