GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 Haiku

Finish the .bep file for Haikuporter to compile LV2

completed by: Piotr

mentors: Barrett, Richie Nyhus

This task requires creating or modifying a .bep file to allow Haikuporter to build from source code the listed package(s).  You will need a working installation of Haiku, this could be on real hardware or in a VM, and haikuporter which can be installed by following the install instructions at HaikuPorts

Some knowledge of C, C++ may or may not be required in order to complete this task.  Knowledge of the GNU autotools and/or cmake may also be helpful.  The package may or may not require some patching to get it to work on Haiku.  For these cases don't be afraid to ask for help.  Many compile issues can be figured out by reading through the various wiki pages at HaikuPorts.  Also google (or other web search engine) may be of help in finding solutions to build issues that you may run into, irc channel #haiku on freenode might also be of help.  Be sure to follow the correct format for creating your .bep file, including the license and copyright entries.

What you have to do :

Finish the bep file already created in the following task, to match their dependencies (redland, serd ...) :

NOTE: be sure to update your haikuports tree using svn update.

Finish the bep files created in the following task :

You have to add those modifies :

  1. Fix the directories problems as ScottMc suggested in the latest comment of the librdf task-
  2. Update the gtk-doc bep file and modify the librdf beps to generate documentation (more informations in the task comments as well)