Kanagram: create 2 files and upload them on kde-files.org
completed by: Божидар Станчев
mentors: Anne-Marie Mahfouf
In Kanagram settings, in the Vocabularies section, there is an editor which allows you to create files to play with Kanagram.
Your task is to use this editor and create 2 files, different from the existing ones of course which are listed here: https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdeedu/libkdeedu/repository/revisions/master/show/data/kvtml. You can create files with one language and the English translation as hint or choose a theme like Astronomy or whatever you feel confortable with. Each file should have at least 25 entries.
You then must upload these 2 files on http://kde-files.org/ under the Kanagram category.
My nickname is annma on IRC, Freenode network and #kde-quality channel. My timezone is Europe/Paris.