GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 KDE

Amarok: Testing from git

completed by: Jai Luthra

mentors: Edward "hades" Toroshchin, Myriam Schweingruber

While Amarok ships a stable version there also is the current development version. The student should build a development installation from git and test the main functions of Amarok and report back eventual errors, inconsistencies and bugs.

Please do not report services as not working without checking that you haven them actually enabled ( for example, where you need to enter the credentials of your user account). Also make sure that the collection files are writable, else some tasks will not work (editing track details for example).

If you don't understand a test, please refer to the user manual at


The student must be able to follow clear written instructions, have a logical way of thinking. Must be able to test software independently after a short introduction

See also: 

If you are interested in this task, please get in touch with me in #amarok on, my nick is Mamarok.