GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 KDE

Marble: Add support for the KML NetworkLink tag

completed by: Mayank Madan

mentors: Torsten Rahn, René Küttner, Dennis Nienhüser

Implement support for the NetworkLink KML element and some (not yet all) of its sub elements:

  • Add a NetworkLink class which inherits GeoDataFeature and has getters/setters for identifier, refreshVisibility and flyToView
  • Add a kml handler for NetworkLink. Have it extract the identifier attribute. Handle the parent element in the same way as KmlPlacemarkTagHandler.cpp does (i.e. append itself to parents that are containers)
  • Add kml handlers for refreshVisibility and flyToView. Have them check their parent to be NetworkLink and set its values accordingly
  • Add a TestNetworkLink.cpp test to the test suite. Have it test parsing similar to TestScreenOverlay.cpp
