GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 KDE

Marble Sky: Create Constellation line KML file for the new Sky Mode

completed by: Mohammed Nafees

mentors: Torsten Rahn, René Küttner, Dennis Nienhüser

In this task

the stars tool has been extended to display stars on a sky map theme such as:

In this task a separate tool should be created that takes the marble/tools/stars/catalog.dat file and the file


as an input to create KML linestrings that represent the constellation lines.


Note: All stars inside the catalogs.dat file have an index. In the constellations.dat file these indexed are used as numbers to define the linestring nodes of each constellation. The number "-1" is used to finish a linestring inside a certain constellation and to restart a new linestring in the same constellation.

The number "-2" is used to switch to a "dashed line" and "-3" to return to a solid line.