GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 Drupal

Code a Drupal 8 Module to Authenticate/Login Users via LinkedIn

completed by: RAZVOR

mentors: Matthew Lechleider

Code a module to authenticate user logins for a Drupal 8 site via LinkedIn. No additional features are required in the module. Simple user authentication into Drupal via the 3rd party service is the only requirement. Of course your module should have all of the standard documentation and follow d.o coding standards with proper module files.

Deliverables: Create a development sandbox on for the project. Upload your module directly to the sandbox with instructions on how to test. Make sure to follow "d.o coding standards". Request mentor to review the code and module. Not necessary to complete task, but try to have your module approved from a sandbox to a real project/module page on d.o.

Resources: Review the APIs for the 3rd party services and the Drupal 8 API seeing which code you can relate to the easiest. Review modules that accomplish the same task for previous versions of Drupal. Review process for creating and working with sandboxes.