GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 Haiku

Research and check dependencies for OpenShot on Haiku

completed by: Artur Jamro (Mrowqa)

mentors: Giannis Konstantinidis, Barrett, Emrys Demir, TriEdgeAI, Alex-P. Natsios

For this task you will need to track down the full list of dependencies for building the current version of OpenShot.  As part of this research, also see which of those dependencies will compile on Haiku and which ones have further dependencies and whether those dependencies will build on Haiku.  In the end we'd like to see a status report on which parts are in place (and if any of those have .recipes already) and which parts will still need to be ported to Haiku in order to get OpenShot up and running on Haiku someday.

 Report should be in plain text file format.