GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 Haiku

Fix ticket #6901: [Pulse] selecting deskbar mode closes it's settings window if it's open

completed by: Puck Meerburg

mentors: Diver, Siarzhuk Zharski, Gerasim Troeglazov

The goal of this task is the implementing correct solution to fix issue described in Haiku Trac as ticket #6901. This is a coding task, for this task you will need to have a Haiku build environment setup, and be able to compile Haiku modules to fix the problem and check if your solution works. The basic knowledge of GIT SCM is also needed.


  • Install Haiku either on real hardware or in Virtual Machine (BTW, I can assist installing VirtualBox so it is obviously recommended by me);
  • Take familiar with the problem you should fix;
  • Get the Haiku source tree, build it and find solution to fix the problem;
  • After completing this task, please provide us with the git-formatted patch implementing your fix.


 Good luck!