GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 KDE

Feature Comparison Parley and KWordQuiz

completed by: Joel

mentors: Andreas Cord-Landwehr

Parley and KWordQuiz are vocabulary learning applications within the KDE Edu module. It is your task to get familiar with both applications (read documentation, use programs, etc.) and write a report about the question what would be necessary to make Parley a real successor of KWordQuiz.

In details, you should answer the following questions in your report:

  1. Feature Comparison (which features does KWordQuiz provides that are missing in Parley; which features does Parley provides that are missing in KWordQuiz)
  2. Comparison of Workflows and User Experience (how do the learner workflows differ in both applications)
  3. What would be the necessary steps to include all workflows and features from KWordQuiz in Parley?

Please submit your report in an editable standard format (preferable OpenDocument). Your report should include screenshots and references to specific handbook sections (at where appropriate.