GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 KDE

Marble: Display sun position in the stars plugin using the astrolib API

completed by: Mikhail Ivchenko

mentors: Torsten Rahn, René Küttner, Dennis Nienhüser

Currently the stars plugin displays the sun using the sunlocator. 

We would like to have the code refactored so that it shows the sun using astrolib.

This should be done in a similar way as

The latest version of the astrolib provides means to calculate moon and planet positions.

Positions for planets and the moon are given in "right ascension" (equals longitude except that it is usually measured in 0 - 24 hours instead of -180-180 degs) and "declination" (equals latitude).

Please investigate how to get the sun position using astrolib (we use the center of the earth as a reference). Then draw it onto the sky.

Make sure that the position displayed using SunLocator and astrolib stays exactly the same.