GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 KDE

Port documentation of Marble tutorial 14. to Python

completed by: Benjamin Kaiser

mentors: Torsten Rahn, Dennis Nienhüser, René Küttner

There is some nice documentation available for programming with Marble and C++.

We would like to offer the same kind of tutorial for Python.


This task is about providing the same tutorial as above as python tutorials. So this task includes:

  • Adapting API references
  • Adapting example code
  • adapting build instructions
  • adapting the screenshot
  • adapting the instructions
  • bugs of the python bindings should get filed as a bugreport (e.g. here: Otherwise the bug should be worked around or noted as part of the documentation effort.
  • All chapters should be properly referenced in


The wiki pages should be created here:


See marble/docs/bindings/python/html/allclasses.html inside the source code for an API reference for python :)