GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 KDE

Marble: Add Mercury and Saturn to the stars plugin

completed by: Illya Kovalevskyy

mentors: Torsten Rahn, Dennis Nienhüser, René Küttner

Recently Venus, Jupiter and Mars have been added to Marble's stars plugin.

This task is about adding Saturn and Mercury.

Both are yellow.

  • Research for the correct method to find the planet positions in the astrolib documentation
  • load the file QPixmap(MarbleDirs::path("bitmaps/stars/star_*_white.png")) and QPixmap(MarbleDirs::path("bitmaps/stars/star_*_red.png"))
  • display it at the right position using the pixmap above
  • resize the pixmap according to the brightness ("magnitude") the very same way it's done for the stars.
  • allow for enabling and disabling the planets inside the settings dialog.
  • Add a label for Mercury and Saturn. Reuse the string inside the planet class.
  • Make sure the labels are turned on and off via the context menu and settings dialog just like done with the moon and the sun.