GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 Drupal

Develop Drupal site using Git

completed by: koesie10

mentors: cs_shadow

One of the powers of Drupal is that all its code and modules/themes etc. are managed through Git. The aim of this task is to get you acquainted with the workflow of Drupal site development using Git. In this task, first you need to create a PUBLIC Git repo on github/bitbucket. Then you need to push the drupal 8 after installing locally. Make sure to configure the .gitignore file properly so as the confidential settings are not exposed to the world. Now you need to add at least three contrib modules and one contrib theme as Git sub-modules to your repository. To demonstrate that the sub-modules are setup properly, you need to pull the code of the modules/themes individually a few times after the initial commit.

Deliverables - Link to a github/bitbucket repository that contains drupal core and at least three contrib modules and one contrib theme as submodules with appropriate configuration for .git-ignore file.

Resources - * Building a Drupal site with Git:* Drupal Website Development Using a GIT Workflow:* Git Tools-Submodules: