GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 FOSSASIA

demonstrate how to get a list of events using the API of

completed by: PolBaladas

mentors: eMBee has lots of events that are interesting for the Free Software community.

to help developers who want to include a list of these events in their website, write a function to extract a list of events and document this part of the API.

explain how the function works, and demonstrate its use.

you may use a language of your choice, javascript, coffeescript, python, ruby or another.

the purpose of this task is to document the API therefore you may not use any library that might be provided by or someone else which would hide how the API actually works.

if this task is already claimed, and you would like to do it in a different language, please contact the mentor to create a version of this task for the language of your choice.

During the process of working on this task and/or when you finish it, please tweet about it on Twitter, Weibo or any other service mentioning @fossasia, @beijinglug and using the hashtag #FOSSASIA and #beijinglug. Also don't forget to follow FOSSASIA on

Also please provide links and info about the task on a blog or website, if possible.

Please post your work on the FOSSASIA Facebook, Google+ or any other social network.

Thank you!