GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 Haiku

Fix issue #2 in BinaryClock

completed by: Josef Gajdusek

mentors: Scott McCreary, Adrien Destugues - PulkoMandy, Dario

Convert BinaryClock so that it uses resources from an .rdef file instead of loading tiny graphic files from the file system.  For an example of how t use image from an rdef file you could refer to the source code for burnitnow.

In the comments on the issue I have already converted the graphics files and combined them into one .rdef file. You can use that as a starting point to complete this task.

Once you have it working submit a pull request at github for it.

Once the pull request has been merged, update the recipe file to be able to build the latest fixed version.  The current recipe file is mis-named, it should be binaryclock, not binary_clock.  That needs to be fixed as well.