GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 KDE

Marble: Check our tutorial by creating a new educational application

completed by: Sergey Popov

mentors: Dennis Nienhüser, Abhinav Gangwar, shentey, Torsten Rahn

This task is meant as an introduction for people who have only compiled Marble so far and want to learn more about Marble's APIs. It's also about testing our tutorial and finding bugs in it:

Please create a very basic application by following

- 1. Create an application with a MarbleWidget

- 2. make it load the mapThemeId for the historical map of 1689 (try to find out where the map theme and its id are stored)

- 3. Show the Compass and the OverView Map.

- 4. Disable the Stars Plugin

- 5. Adjust the Window Title to display the name of the map theme.