GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 KDE

Marble: Update the Marble Quickstart page for the OSGeoLive DVD.

completed by: Sergey Popov

mentors: Dennis Nienhüser, shentey, Sanjiban Bairagya, Torsten Rahn

Have a look at the Marble Quick Start chapter at:

The current Quick Start chapter is way too short and gives too little guidance. Please extend it:

- Add more text as an introduction. You can borrow text from since we own the copyright on that. 

- Add your own example instructions on what a user can do.

- Add nice screenshots that illustrate the features described. The screenshots should use the OSGeoLive.

In order to make the changes you need to find out how to get access to editing the page. You can ask on #osgeolive how this can be accomplished.

The delivery for this task is the actual modification of the page above (which will then be reviewed and further adjusted).