GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 KDE

Change the install instructions for plasma-mediacenter

completed by: Mikhail Ivchenko

mentors: Bhushan Shah

Plasma Media Center is designed to provide an easy and comfortable way to watch your videos, browse your photo collection and listen to your music, all in one place. This release brings many refinements and a host of new features, making consuming media even easier and more fun.

Recently Plasma Media Center team decided to make master branch KDE Frameworks 5 / Plasma 5 based, but now install instructions in README are obsolete as Plasma media center master branch is no longer of kdelibs4 based.

This task involves compiling and running Plasma media center as well as editing README. If you have KDE Frameworks 5 / Plasma 5 based environment ready it will be helpful.