GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 Mifos Initiative

Update Mifos Events/Conferences Calendar for Financial Inclusion Conferences

completed by: Gabe Brown

mentors: Edward Cable

"Mifos sits at the crossroads of a number of different industries – financial inclusion and microfinance, mobile banking, financial services, cloud computing, open source technology, HFOSS (Humianitarian Free and Open Source Software). We attend events regularly to promote our mission, educate about our technology and identify new volunteers, customers, donors, and partners. Having a comprehensive and up-to-date calendar is important for our staff to plan out what events to attend as well as to inform our community of events they can attend. Internally, we track these events via a Google Sheet ( and also publicize the ones relevant to the community on our public community calendar.
We have separated events out across various categories. Each of these tasks involves adding and updating event listings for indvidual categories which include: Open Source, Cooperatives, Financial Inclusion, Fin-Tech, Mobile Money, Social Entrepreneurship and Other Financial Inclusion. This task would involve updating our current calendar with the dates/times for events that we’ve followed or participated in during the past as well as researching and adding new events to our calendar for the category of Financial Inclusion. Relevant ones would also be added to our public Google Calendar."