NTP Project

Web Page: http://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Dev/GoogleSummerOfCode

Mailing List: hackers@ntp.org

ISC's NTP Forum exists to support the Network Time Protocol Project, and is very pleased to again participate in Google's Summer of Code.


NTP is perhaps the best way to keep a computer's clock synchronized to the correct time.  It is also one of the longest-running protocols on the Internet.


  • GNU AutoGen project proposal and Design Specification. The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is widely used to synchronize a computer to Internet time servers or other sources. NTP currently use AutoGen for option processing and producing help pages for their distributions.NTP currently support no manual pages for their distributions.This project is aimed at incorporating manual pages for NTP distributions
  • High throughput, low jitter stratum-1 NTP server Highly accurate synchronization of PC and server clocks is crucial for many applications. Microprocessor based NTP servers suffer from a large amount of timestamp jitter (e.g., ~50000 ns), for a variety of reasons such as OS scheduling and unpredictable bus timing. The goal of this project is to implement a stratum-1 NTP server in reconfigurable logic, capable of gigabit Ethernet linerates with less than 8 ns of jitter, and a flexible stratum-0 interface.
  • Improving NTP's logging/debugging System Redesigning/Changing NTP's logging/debugging system. Writing a common debugging/logging interface for NTP. A revision/improvement of NTP's logging/debugging system is necessary to provide better and finer logging/debugging capabilities.