GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Summer of Code 2012 XWiki

SOLR search component

by Savitha Sundaramoorthi for XWiki

The objective of this project is to exploit the Apache SOLR search engine as indexing and search engine for XWiki. XWiki is a very flexible wiki, in use in massive or small sites, with both highly structured and/or very textual content. This flexibility should be in the SOLR component: Based on SOLR's schema and complementary information, the indexing process should be customizable to only index and store as little information as needed. Through code customizability (exploiting the possibility of Groovy code in pages), the transformation of a user-query to a SOLR query should be adjustable, far beyond the simple text-parsing (enabling, for example, the prohibition of some spaces, or the conversion to multiple fields based on input parameters) Finally, this component should support calibrating the search engine's parameter (such as the Dismax' parser coefficients, the analyzers usefulness, ...) by classical quantitative methods such as precision-and-recall, which any wiki master, or a collaborator, should be able to exploit and report with.