Parrot Foundation

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Parrot Foundation is a US (Washington State) non-profit foundation, incorporated to: (required) * Protect the intellectual property for the Parrot virtual machine, tools, libraries, and language implementations, while offering it for use under an open source license. * Cultivate an open source community and encourage the growth of an ecosystem of tools, libraries, extensions, applications, and language implementations around Parrot.
- Improve Web UI of app-parrot-create app-parrot-create is a web-project. It will allow to create a language/project skeleton and return in an archive.
- JavaScript backend for NQP (and Rakudo Perl 6). Improve the JavaScript backend for QAST (the intermediate format for both Rakudo and NQP) up to the point where NQP can bootstrap itself using it.
- Parrot VM bindings to the libgit2 0.18 API A complete low-level (PIR) binding to the libgit2 0.18 API, as well as a simple higher-level Winxed binding with enough functions implemented to implement common libgit2 examples.