Health Information Systems Programme

License: New and Simplified BSD licenses
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HISP (Health Information Systems Programme) is a global south-south-north collaborative network aiming to improve health care in developing countries through research on and implementation of Health Information Systems. Coordinated by the Global Infrastructures Research Group at Department of Informatics of the University of Oslo, the network has since 1994 been involved in many countries in the "Global South". At the core of the programme is the development of the open source DHIS software and the use of this application to strengthen country health information systems. The DHIS 2 software is used in more than 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the South Pacific, and countries that have adopted DHIS 2 as their nation-wide HIS software include Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Ghana, Liberia, and Bangladesh. A rapidly increasing number of countries and organizations are starting up new deployments. We are involved in multi-disciplinary research with a focus on action-research with 7 professors, about 35 active PhD students, many masters students and many software developers from different implementing organizations worldwide. The focus for the Summer of Code is the development of DHIS2.
We work so that low-resources in poor & middle-income countries are available at the right places, at the right time and information from different programs, information systems can be brought together for better management
- A decision-support tool for stronger immunization programs The vaccine cold chain of a country -- the cold room and refrigerator equipment for storing vaccines at an appropriate temperature as they are distributed from national store to service delivery points -- is essential for the health of a population. This GSoC project aims at extending DHIS2 1. to evaluate a cold chain against the requirements of policies by the WHO, 2. to support making equipment decisions towards meeting them and 3. to report those decisions for an evidence-based case.
- Allow data entry from OpenDataKit (ODK) DHIS2 (District Health Information System 2) is an open source tool for data collection, validation, analyses, presentation of data aggregation and statistical reports for integrated health information management system. The main goal of this GsoC project would be to enable all Android devices to send the data to DHIS2 server using the ODKCollect XFORM client utility. The DHIS2 server will be extended to be able to receive the XFORM and import the data into DHIS2 database.
- Enhanced android client for DHIS2. DHIS2 provides a lot of facilities for collecting and analyzing data. In GSoC 2013, my goal was to implement basic reporting tool, which enabled users to aggregate reports and create anonymous events. In this project, my aim will be to utilize other facilities of DHIS2 Web API. I want to bring to current dhis2 android client such features as support of messaging among DHIS2 users, standard dashboard, interpretations and finally complete tracking functionality.
- JSON enabled storage API DHIS2 uses PostgreSQL database, therefore, would be interesting to implement a JSON storage API using its new functionality which allows to add a "JSON" format field. It should support the security measures(within-app storage, storage for a user-session, share data between users/groups) and allow data-integration with internal DHIS2 storage functions (users, org units, etc). This API would benefit another apps, allowing to store a better structured data and running queries against the data.
- WebDriver (Selenium 2) based framework for automated test scripts The DHIS2 project is a complex project. How for any project, small, or big needs to be tested, and also DHIS2 to become the system that it is today has passed through thousands of tests. They are using unit testing in code, but don't have integration tests or tests in the UI. The goal is to be able to automate the scripts using Selenium2, so that the programmers can write functional tests that will be automated also using SauceLabs and run over a CI system or just in a local machine.