businessLicense: GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)
Web Page: https://groups.drupal.org/node/407793
Mailing List: Main listing of lists @ https://drupal.org/mailing-lists and http://lists.drupal.org/listinfo/development but more GSoC specifically https://groups.drupal.org/google-summer-code
Drupal is an open source content management platform powering millions of websites and applications. It’s built, used, and supported by an active and diverse community of people around the world.Projects
- Build a schema.org mapping tool for Drupal 8 The main goal of this project is to allow site builders to integrate schema.org seamlessly during the site building process on Drupal 8. The Drupal content structure is to be matched with the schemas at schema.org using two modules: schema.org mapping tool and Schema.org-driven Content type builder.
- Build an Elastic search module for Drupal 8 Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine. Elasticsearch is a search server based on Lucene. It provides a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine with a RESTful web interface and schema-free JSON documents. The goal of this project is to develop an Elasticsearch module for Drupal 8 leveraging the new Search API
- Create sensor instances for Monitoring D8 Monitoring is a new Drupal application monitoring framework that is already initially ported to Drupal 8. Further work is required to port the current sensor info into Drupal 8 config entities. This results in a major rewrite of the code. It will allow users to create instances through the UI. The current sensor settings will need further work to allow more flexibility in sensor creation. As a result, very flexible sensors are easily configured and migrated with the config system
- Drupal - fluxpocket (Pocket integration for Fluxkraft) Integration of Pocket service (getpocket.com) for the Drupal Fluxkraft distribution. fluxkraft is a module suite and distribution for automating your socialmedia workflows! Connect and automate tools like facebook, twitter, flickr and dropbox or schedule tweets to promote your website content! It is an OpenSource alternative to services like IfTtT, Zapier or Cloudwork. For really becoming a usable alternative more and more services should be integrated to Fluxkraft.
- Port Diff module to D8 Diff contributed module is currently used by at least 50.000 websites but it currently only receives maintenance fixes. It provides the ability to compare selected revisions of content, makes the differences visually noticable providing invaluable help for end-users. Drupal 8 entity system has default support for revisions for content entities, which needs to be considered at the conception of the architecture for the new version. We need to port this module to the next major version of Drupal.
- Port Disqus Integration Module to Drupal 8 Disqus is a 3rd party system for comments. It is used on various websites. There is already an integration module available for Drupal 7, which is used on almost 14,000 sites. We need to prepare this module for next major version of Drupal.
- Port XML Sitemap to Drupal 8 proposal Drupal 8, the next major version of Drupal, is coming soon. XML sitemap is one of the most popular modules for Drupal 6 and 7. I will develop a Drupal 8 module that will implement all functionalities found in the previous versions. This module will help Drupalers to increase performance of their websites. The first part of the application contains information about me and my implications into Drupal community. Then, a detailed plan is described and how I will achieve the expected results.
- Porting and improving of the Drupal FAQ module “Once upon a time, there lived a lonely interface who didn’t have any method implementations…” I also used once a module, called FAQ module. It knows what it is supposed to and it is really comfortable for an initial period, but when the number of questions grow, it will be a problem how to display, for example, more than 100 questions. I will try to solve these problems.
- Porting Securesite module to drupal 8 The securesite module gives the facility to authenticate users using http basic auth/ digest auth. Admin can restrict access to pages based on user role. This means the site will be inaccessible to search engines and crawlers, but you can still allow access to certain users. It is especially helpful when the site is under construction or maintenance. The goal of this project is to port this module to drupal 8.
- Re-platform the IMCE Module to Run with Drupal 8 The IMCE (Images for Moxi Code Editor) module is an Image file manager that can be used to upload image files (jpg, png, gif), resize them and create thumbnails and previews. This highly used module needs to be tested and possibly modified to be compatible with Drupal 8, once users begin to administer Drupal 8 in the near future.
- Tips&Tricks (Build Example iOS App for Drupal 8 --- project no15) "Tips&Tricks" will be an iOS application that will run on on iOS 7 and above. The concept is similar to stakoverflow.com but instead of question here users can post tips and tricks for various open source technology. This simple site will be built on Drupal 8 and native iOS application will use REST web service to connect the site. The application will perform various http operation on nodes as well entities. This simple application will be the best example iOS application for Drupal.
- WYSIWYG inline entity The project aims at building a framework to support embedding of entities in WYSIWYG editor. The single framework will be able to handle all different types of entities in general. Upon successful completion, this project will deliver a robust set of APIs to support embeds, integration with Ckeditor and a basic UI. The developed framework will be released in form of a module called ‘Entity Embed’.