
License: GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)
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We are the developers of NetSurf, a fast and small open source browser written in C with its own layout engine. As well as producing NetSurf we have created various other libraries which other software can use. These libraries include libHubbub (an HTML5 parsing library), libCSS (a CSS parsing and selection engine), and libDOM (a Document Object Model implementation). All our libraries are written in C, and are written with a focus on low memory usage, high performance and robust stability. More about the memebers of the team may be found at
- Updating Core Web Technology Libraries This is a project to improve and add features to the NetSurf project's core web-technology libraries: LibDOM LibHubbub LibCSS The libraries are now out of date. The aim is to bring them in line with the current specifications.