OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation

License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Web Page: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2015_Ideas
Mailing List: soc@lists.osgeo.org
OSGeo is a non-profit organization serving as an umbrella organization for the Open Source Geospatial community in general and 33 code projects in particular:
Web Mapping: deegree, geomajas, GeoMoose, GeoServer, Mapbender, MapBuilder, MapFish, MapGuide Open Source, MapServer, OpenLayers, ZOO-Project, Team Engine
Desktop Applications: GRASS GIS, Quantum GIS, gvSIG, Opticks, KDE Marble
Geospatial Libraries: FDO, GDAL/OGR, GEOS, GeoTools, MetaCRS*, OSSIM, PostGIS, rasdaman
- The following are sub-projects of MetaCRS:
- PROJ.4, GeoTIFF/libgeotiff, CS-Map, Proj4J, Proj4js, SpatialReference.org
Metadata Catalogs: GeoNetwork, pycsw
Other (non-code) Projects: Public Geospatial Data, Education and Curriculum, Live Handout DVD
We host the annual FOSS4G conferences (this year two of them) with typical attendance of 500-1000+ geospatial developers, industry and government types, and researchers. Our mailing lists collectively go out to ~ 20,000 unique subscribers.
For GSoC we hope to act as an umbrella org for a number of other non-OSGeo FOSS geo projects, including pgRouting, PyWPS, istSOS, and uDig.
- Add productivity tools to MapServer's ScribeUI ScribeUI is a cloud-based and open-source Mapfile editing utility for MapServer. Its goal is to simplify the creation and edition of Mapserver maps with a custom syntax and a visual interface. Its use of variables and layer ranges allow the users to make maps more efficiently than by writing regular Mapfiles by hand. My objectives for this summer are to improve the error detection of ScribeUI, add the ability on import and export workspaces and add class generation from a set of data.
- DEVELOPMENT OF A SIMPLE 1D HYDRAULIC MODEL FOR JGRASSTOOLS The idea of the project is to develop a simple 1-D hydraulic model within JGrassTools. The objective is to develop a simplified GIS based model for evaluating the water depth and velocity inside the streams. The model will have as input the water discharge in the upstream section (calculated with the hydrological model), the geometry of the sections (derived from the DTM), and some hydraulics parameters valid in general for the river or specific for each section.
- GTFS-Realtime validation tool for Open Trip Planner GTFS-Realtime is one of the leading open standards for transmitting real time transit data. But currently there are no open source validation tools for these feeds. The goal of the project is to develop an extensible GTFS-Realtime validator that is self contained. This can be used in the Open Trip Planner project as well as other projects using the feed format. The validation tool will take in a GTFS and GTFS-rt feeds as input and monitor and log errors and warnings on the said feeds.
- Image Enhancement/Background Suppression for Opticks “Opticks is an expandable remote sensing and imagery analysis software platform”. To be usable for remote sensing applications, some images should be enhanced. The Drizzle Algorithm is an image enhancement algorithm able to combine several images of the same phenomenon over time to drastically improve the interpretability of the image. The purpose of this proposal is to implement the Drizzle algorithm into the remote sensing application and imagery analysis software platform Opticks.
- Improved Metadata for GRASS GIS Current GRASS GIS offers ISO-based Metadata support. This package includes three modules designed to generate, create and edit metadata. The goal of this work consist of two main parts. First aim is to improve current package by adding a few functionality for extend metadata handling. The second goal is to implement module for interaction with metadata catalogue services (CSW). Additional benefit of this part allows access of metadata between GRASS GIS and QGIS (MetaSearch plugin).
- Integration of GDAL utilities into GDAL core library The aim of the project is to integrate all the functionality of GDAL utilities into GDAL core library and update the swig bindings so that the utility functions can be called from other languages without the need to make system call.
- Integration of geospatial OSS in educational notebooks This GSoC 2015 Idea will focus on the development of a cross-projects python library with the aim of bridging together the several software libraries already installed on the live through the use of the Jupyter notebook server [http://jupyter.org] in a series of "topic-oriented" geospatial notebooks.
- New osm2pgrouting import tool to import OpenStreetMap(OSM)data in pgRouting pgRouting is a software which provides geospatial routing functionality which needs data to work upon and OSM data is the most popular road network data. We want to use OSM data more frequently and effectively in this software via 'osm2pgRouting' tool. There is a current implementation of this tool which can be improved with various new features added to it. We will use OSRM EXTRACT procedure and configuration settings to import OSM data into our existing PostGreSQL database
- OSSIM tool for DSM generation using tri-stereo and SAR imagery My project proposal concerns the improvement and the implementation of new functionalities for DATE OSSIM PlugIn, that I have developed in the framework of the 2014 GSoC. At present, DATE is a PlugIn for DSM generation from an optical stereo-pair. Starting from what I have already done, I would like to extend it and enable it to process also a triplet. Furthermore I would like to include the possibility to use SAR imagery for DSM stereo reconstruction.
- Port Network Analysis Extension to gvSIG 2.x branch My proposal is to develop a plugin to migrate all features of route calculation from the 1.* gvSIG version to the latest one. These are the main tasks to do: Route management to get the shortest path Optimizing the order of stops on a route Calculation of service areas Location of the nearest event Calculate matrices Origin - Destination Calculation of minimum spanning tree
- QGIS - Multithread support on QGIS Processing toolbox This project consists on making the QGIS Processing toolbox multi-threaded, this will allow to have non blocking analysis/geoprocessing jobs, prevent crashes (when a QGIS module crashes for some reason) and also improve the user experience.
- REST interface for PyWPS 4 My proposition as one of the active developers of PyWPS 4, an Python implementation of the Web Processing Service standard, is the implementation of a REST interface allowing for example the following but not limited to: * The ability for configuration of PyWPS and controlling of running processes * Getting a list of running processes * Possibility to pause/kill/resume running processes * Import new processes into existing instances.
- Scalability for Big data processing for istSOS istSos is a server implementation that collects,redistribute and manages data received from sensor according to SOS. The server need to store data in a database, based on postgresSQL. This software is heavily dependent on database performance and also needs a database with the lowest possible downtime. istSOS needs to manage enormous amounts of data and needs them to be ready without latency. Using pgpool-2 behind clients and database will improve istSOS performance and his reliability.