GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 Copyleft Games

PySoy: Present New Feature

completed by: Darriel

mentors: Anthus Williams, Arc Riley, David Czech

Present a new feature on our weekly PySoy GCI Hangout On Air along with a short screencap video demonstrating the feature. Ensure you attribute the developer(s) responsible for the feature in your presentation.

You may either pre-record your presentation and upload it to the PySoy Youtube Channel or present it live by sharing your PySoy window, in either case you'll need to participate live in the Hangout. Make sure you're familiar with Hangouts and have worked out your camera, microphone, lighting, etc.

As you cannot claim two tasks at the same time, you cannot complete this task the same week as you host the Hangout On Air.

While working on this task you should join and remain in #PySoy on Freenode to get help, feedback, and guidance from mentors and other developers. Code updates which may affect your work are also announced here as they happen.

Post a link to the resulting Youtube video of the Hangout On Air to finish this task. If another student attempts to host the Hangout On Air and fails to get it together a mentor will host it in their place.