Copyleft Games
businessMailing List:
Copyleft Games Group
We are game developers who promote players' rights to create, play, mod, and share games as collaborative community works.
Copyleft means a work is made available under a license which allows anyone to use, modify, and redistribute that work - with or without modification - so long as everyone who receives a copy is given the same rights.
[IMAGE]The GNU Affero General Public License is our most popular game license for both game code and artistic assets.
PySoy is a 3d cloud game engine designed for games to be run on servers and accessed by any number of devices including Android and HTML/5 web browsers. While its designed for Python, the engine itself is written in C, Genie, and GLSL.
RaspberrySoy is our PySoy client for the RaspberryPi $25 credit-card sized computer. Its written in Genie.
SweetSoy is our PySoy client for Android. Its written in C (NDK) and Java.
Getting Started
[IMAGE]Freenode (IRC) is where most mentors and students hang out.
Using any IRC client, connect to and then the appropriate channel;
#CopyleftGames is for general organizational help and for smaller projects which don't have their own channel.
#PySoy is for PySoy related work including the core engine and clients. Most PySoy mentors and students can be found here.
#GSoC is for general questions about Google Code-In (and Google Summer of Code)
Remember that Google Code-In is a global program and while spread across many timezones, mentors are human beings who must eat, sleep, and perform other daily tasks that exclude being able to always answer immediately.
Ask a question and someone will answer it when they see it. If you cannot remain connected long enough to get an answer, try sending a short email to instead.
Completed Tasks
- Bitfighter: Associate music with a level
- Bitfighter: Bots: ATTACK (with seekers)
- Bitfighter: CMake: Add OpenGL ES support
- Bitfighter: Lua API documentation
- Bitfighter: Mappable editor keys
- Bitfighter: Nickname tab-completion in in-game chat
- Bitfighter: Player stats screen
- Bitfighter: Polygon/star generator plugin for editor
- Bitfighter: Recall previous commands
- Bitfighter: Song selector widget
- Bitfighter: Test Writing
- Bitfighter: TNL: Port 'gethostbyname' usage to 'getaddrinfo'
- Bitfighter: Windows notifier improvements
- GnomeSoy: Application Menu
- GnomeSoy: Embed Python
- GnomeSoy: SGK Default Application
- KDESoy: Embed Python
- LightMelody: Write vapi for libsrtp
- PySoy: Auto Mipmaps
- PySoy: C libsrtp Example
- PySoy: Create Eye Candy Video
- PySoy: Create Eye Candy Video
- PySoy: Create Eye Candy Video
- PySoy: Create Eye Candy Video
- PySoy: Docs Building in WAF
- PySoy: Document soy.joints Prototype
- PySoy: Document soy.widgets Prototype
- PySoy: Fix Canvas Size
- PySoy: Fix tangents for Box
- PySoy: Fix tangents for Sphere
- PySoy: G+ Page Cover Art
- PySoy: Host a Hangout On Air
- PySoy: Host a Hangout On Air
- PySoy: Host a Hangout On Air
- PySoy: Host a Hangout On Air
- PySoy: Host a Hangout On Air
- PySoy: Host a Hangout On Air
- PySoy: Host a Hangout On Air
- PySoy: Mesh API
- PySoy: Mesh Unittests
- PySoy: Present a Gorce Report
- PySoy: Present a Howto
- PySoy: Present a Howto
- PySoy: Present New Feature
- PySoy: Present New Feature
- PySoy: Present New Feature
- PySoy: Present New Feature
- PySoy: Present New Feature
- PySoy: Replace ORC Code
- PySoy: Shader Basic Vertex
- PySoy: Shader Collision Storage
- PySoy: Shader Collision Testing
- PySoy: Shader for Billboard
- PySoy: Shader for Bumpmapping
- PySoy: Shader for Colored Material
- PySoy: Shader for Cylinder
- PySoy: Shader for Joints
- PySoy: Shader for Landscape Scenes
- PySoy: Shader for Light Texture
- PySoy: Shader for Multiple Lights
- PySoy: Shader for Multiple Lit Bumpmapping
- PySoy: Shader for Planar Scenes
- PySoy: Shader for Point Light
- PySoy: Shader for Room Scenes
- PySoy: Shader for Skybox
- PySoy: Shader for Sphere
- PySoy: Shader for Textured Material
- PySoy: Shader for Widgets
- PySoy: Sphere Vertex Alignment
- PySoy: Sphinx XML Pages
- PySoy: Update INSTALL for Fedora 20
- PySoy: Update INSTALL for Ubuntu 13.10
- PySoy: Video of Coffeeshop
- PySoy: Video of GCI 2012 Gource
- PySoy: Video of WiFi Meter
- PySoy: Waf Static Dependency Download
- PySoy: Webhook WAF Buildbot
- PySoy: Wireframe Material
- PySoy: Write Docs for soy.controllers
- PySoy: Write doctests for Billboard
- PySoy: Write doctests for Box
- PySoy: Write doctests for Landscape
- PySoy: Write doctests for Planar
- PySoy: Write doctests for Room
- PySoy: Write doctests for Scene
- PySoy: Write Waf GLSL Tool
- PySoy: Write Waf Platform Detection
- PySoy: Youtube Channel Art
- SweetSoy: Game Metadata
- SweetSoy: SGK Browser Support