The Fedora Project

Mailing List:
The Fedora Project is a worldwide community of developers who build and release the Fedora Linux distribution, as well as other deliverables that are part of the larger Fedora ecosystem and infrastructure of participation. The Fedora Project is designed to showcase the best software the open source world has to offer, and to lead the advancement of the world of open source development. The Fedora Project refuses to yield on important issues such as software patents and proprietary software, allowing none of this into the distribution and the project as a whole.
We ship a completely open source and redistributable software platform, and invest sizeable amounts of time into the development of open standards and open source. For example, the Fedora Project is one of the leaders in the development of the Nouveau drivers for nVidia graphics cards. Our developers invest much of their time directly in the upstream projects Fedora works with, and our community strives to maintain good standing with all of its upstreams. Above all else, the Fedora Project has four Foudations which drive the project and the distribution: Features, Friends, Freedom and First. These are outlined on our website in more detail.
Completed Tasks
- Add a rails migration to add/remove a fedora_user column to the fedora_rpms table in the isitfedoraruby website
- Add better error pages to the isitfedoraruby webapp
- Aeolus-GUI Documentation
- Android App which displays Fedora Planet Latest updates
- Article for Fedora Insight project
- Automate the isitfedoraruby production push process
- Banner design for ‘Proud Fedora User ’
- Banner for Fedora Funded Events
- Blog post about event application for Fedora
- Blog post on Fedora Elections
- Blog-post about the features of Fedora OS with compared to other Linux Distributions.
- Blog-post about your Google Code-In experience with Fedora
- Blog-post about your Google Code-In experience with Fedora
- Blog-post about your Google Code-In experience with Fedora
- Collecting GCI student Info
- Create a "I Voted" banner for Fedora
- Create a Python-GAE Web Application: Fedora GCI Stats Board.
- Create a Screen-cast on "Creating Fedora Live CD"
- Create a Screen-cast on "Creating Fedora RPM package"
- Create a Screencast for Fedora Beginners
- Create a video promoting GSoC 2013 with Fedora with in students
- Create a video tutorial showing How to Install Fedora 18
- Create a video tutorial showing How to install LAMP on Fedora
- Create an logo for FIN SIG
- Creating LiveUSB Images for Fedora releases (verify/ improve the guide)
- Data Migration Task #1 : FedFin app, NA
- Data Migration Task #2 : FedFin app, LATAM
- Data Migration Task #3 : FedFin app, EMEA
- Data Migration Task #4 : FedFin app, APAC
- Design "I am helping creating Fedora!"
- Design a logo and write a mission statement for the Fedora / Ruby SIG
- Design a logo for Fedora Summer Coding group
- Design a supplementary wallpaper for kids
- Design a template for FWN (wiki and HTML)
- Design a tshirt for Summer Coding group
- Design a user interface for Fedora Survey - LimeSurvey customization
- Design CD/DVD labels for Fedora 18
- Design ticket #253
- Developing FAS Authentication PHP Script
- Documentation process of setting a simple Ruby on Rails application using the Fedora Ruby stack
- Expand isitfedoraruby import scripts to pull in Fedora maintainer of an rpm and display this on the rpm details page
- expand ruby fedora api wrapper: changelog and content
- expand ruby fedora api wrapper: release and updates
- F18 Release Tshirt
- Fedora Baseball cap design
- Fedora election result - history
- Fedora Insight Google calendar integrate
- Fedora marketing campaign - I
- Fedora Polo Tshirt Design
- Fedora promotional video I
- Financial report on EMEA region
- Financial Report on Fedora-APAC regional trac
- Financial Report on Fedora-India regional trac
- Financial report on LATAM region
- Financial report on NA region
- Fix isitfedoraruby import operation
- Google map for Fedora ambassadors
- Graphic for Fedora 18 Release
- GSoC 2013 Promotional poster
- I am 18 campaign
- Icon form Fedocal
- Import historical gem data into the isitfedoraruby website
- Import last_updated date into the bugs table of the isitfedoraruby webapp
- Improve isitfedoraruby search
- Improve the invitation mail sent in Fedora Survey - LimeSurvey customization
- Investigate and possibly setup the fedora irc bot in fedora-ruby
- isitfedoraruby bugs #10 and #25
- isitfedoraruby gamification: implement badges
- isitfedoraruby gamification: implement interface to list contributions of a fedora user
- isitfedoraruby internationalization: Investigate a way to thank translators and implement it
- isitfedoraruby internationalization: integrate application w/ transifex
- isitfedoraruby internationalization: replace text with internationalized versions and construct POT file
- isitfedoraruby internationalization: research and add/configure mechanism to internationalize the app
- isitfedoraruby visualizations: add a timeline of package activity
- isitfedoraruby visualizations: visually represent a fedora contributor's packages
- isitfedoraruby: flush out contribute and contact pages
- isitfedoraruby: improve bug import process
- isitfedoraruby: improve ui
- isitfedoraruby: search autocompletion
- isitfedoraruby: use the fedora package api to import builds
- isitfedoraruby: use the fedora package api to import packages
- Join form for Fedora Free Media Group
- LibreOffice Impress template for presentations
- List payment methods for countries where FAms are.
- Logo for Fedora Insight project
- Logo for Fedora Planet Web Site
- Mailing list portal
- Map for Fedora Free Media Group
- Needy help for "Communicating_and_getting_help" wiki page
- New Fedora naming system
- New Year Banner with Fedora
- Presentation Slideshow on Fedora OS
- Promote Fedora Games Spin
- Report 2 Bugs which you encounter while using Fedora OS
- Report 2 Bugs which you encounter while using Fedora OS
- Report 2 Bugs which you encounter while using Fedora OS
- Report F18 bug
- Revamp APAC FAm Portal
- Run isitfedoraruby on openshift
- Setup a cron job to autoupdate the db daily
- Task A01 – Design user interface
- Task A01-100 – Script to create MySQL tables (10)
- Task A02 – Implement Interface and Logic for tbl_Regions
- Task A03 – Implement Interface and Logic for tbl_Currency_Code
- Task A04 – Implement Interface and Logic for tbl_Trac
- Task A05 – Implement Interface and Logic for tbl_Transaction_Status
- Task A06 - Filling tbl_Currency_Code table
- Task A07 – Implement Interface and Logic for tbl_Accounts
- Task A08 – Implement Interface and Logic for tbl_Expenses_Type
- Task A09 – Implement Interface and Logic for tbl_Reimbused_Method
- Task A10 - Developing Logic for FedFin main interface
- Task A11 - Develop admin panel for FedFin
- Task AA 01 - Bulding Fed-Fin application by integrating all "Task A"
- TASK AA 02 - Installing process design for FedFin app
- Task AA 02 - User login for FedFin app
- Task AA 03 - Assembling Login system to Fedfin app
- Task AA Bug Fixing #1 - FedFin app
- Task AT 01 - Testing on FedFin app
- Task B - Bug fix #2 Test 4: Test if data is successfully submitted into the database in create.php.
- Task B - Code Cleaning in Fedora event app
- Task B - Developing the logic to find the suitable date - Event app
- Task B 00 - Branding event planning app.
- Task B 01 - 100 Implement the database layer for the event planning app.
- Task B 02 Implement the presentation layer for the event planning app.
- Task B 04 - Developing the Logic Layer for the create.php in event app
- Task B 05 - Developing the Logic Layer for the event.php in event app
- Task B 06 - Modyfing the UI for event.php
- Task B 07 - Assembling Event App
- Task BT 01 - Testing Event App
- Task C 01 - Design survey application for Fedora (FedSur)
- Task C 01-100 : Create database layer for the Fedora survey application
- Task C 02 - Branding Fedora Survey App
- Test Ruby On Fedora
- Testing on Package ibus
- Testing on Power Management
- Update the styling of the fedora rpms list in the isitfedoraruby webapp
- User Interface for the Fedora Free Media join web form wizard
- Video on Contribution towards Fedora
- Video on how to Create SSH key
- Video on promoting Fedora project Contribution
- When Is Good?
- Write a nice guide for installing Ruby on Rails on Fedora
- write an about page for isitfedoraruby
- Write an article introducing new features that will be releasing with F18