- Coding Dates: May 19 - Aug 18.
- 1307 students accepted from 72 countries.
- 2491 mentors from 78 countries.
- 190 Open Source organizations.
- 89.7% student success rate.
- 52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH
- AerospaceResearch.Net
- Amahi
- Apache Software Foundation
- Apertium
- appleseed
- Arches Project
- Association Tatoeba
- Battle for Wesnoth
- BeagleBoard.org
- BEAM Community
- Benetech
- Bio4j
- BioJavaScript
- Biomedical Informatics, Emory University
- Blender Foundation
- Bookie
- Boost C++ Libraries
- Buildbot
- BuildmLearn
- BumbleBee Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (BBAUV)
- Catrobat (formerly Catroid Project)
- CCExtractor development
- Centre for Computational Medicine, SickKids Research Institute
- Ceph
- Checkstyle
- CiviCRM
- Clojure
- CodeCombat
- CodeMirror
- Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien
- Copyleft Games
- coreboot
- Crypto Stick
- Crystal Space
- DBpedia & DBpedia Spotlight
- Debian Project
- Django Software Foundation
- Dr. Memory
- Drupal
- Flowgrammable
- FreeBSD
- Freenet Project Inc
- Freifunk
- Frenetic
- Gambit: Software Tools for Game Theory
- Ganeti
- Ganglia
- GCC - GNU Compiler Collection
- Gentoo Foundation
- Git
- GNU Octave
- GNU Project
- GNU Radio
- Google Open Source Programs Office
- Grameen Foundation - MOTECH
- Groovy Community
- Haiku
- haskell.org
- Health Information Systems Programme
- HelenOS group at Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems, Charles University in Prague
- Inclusive Design Institute
- Inkscape
- Institute for Artificial Intelligence
- International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility
- Italian Mars Society
- JBoss Community
- Jitsi
- jMonkeyEngine
- Joomla! (Open Source Matters)
- KolibriOS Project Team
- LabLua
- Laboratory for Cosmological Data Mining
- LEAP Encryption Access Project
- LibreOffice
- Linaro
- Linux Trace Toolkit next generation project (LTTng)
- Liquid Galaxy Project
- LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- lmonade: scientific software distribution
- LyX – The Document Processor
- MariaDB
- Melange
- MetaBrainz Foundation Inc.
- Mifos Initiative
- Mixxx DJ Software
- mlpack: scalable C++ machine learning library
- Monkey Project
- Mono Project
- Moodle
- Mozilla
- MuseScore
- National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)
- Netfilter Project
- NetSurf
- Nmap Security Scanner
- OGDF - Open Graph Drawing Framework
- Open Bioinformatics Foundation
- Open Education Resource Foundation
- Open Lighting Project
- Open Motion Planning Library
- Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV)
- Open Source Robotics Foundation
- OpenKeychain (OpenPGP for Android)
- OpenMRS
- openSUSE
- Oregon State University Open Source Lab (OSUOSL)
- OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation
- OSv
- oVirt
- OWASP Foundation
- phpBB Forum Software
- phpMyAdmin
- Plan 9 from Bell Labs
- Plone Foundation
- Point Cloud Library (PCL)
- Portland State University
- PostgreSQL Project
- PRISM Model Checker
- Project Tox
- Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science
- Python Software Foundation
- R Project for Statistical Computing
- Raxa
- RouteFlow
- RTEMS Project
- Ruby on Rails
- Ruby Science Foundation (SciRuby)
- Sage Mathematical Software System
- Sahana Software Foundation
- Samba
- Scaffold Hunter
- Scala Team
- ScummVM
- Shogun Machine Learning Toolbox
- Sigmah
- Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
- Steel Bank Common Lisp
- strace
- Stratosphere Project
- Subsurface
- Sugar Labs
- SuperTuxKart
- Swathanthra Malayalam Computing
- SymPy
- SyncDiff(erent)
- Systers, an Anita Borg Institute Community
- TEAMMATES Project @ National University of Singapore
- The CGAL Project
- The Concord Consortium
- The Eclipse Foundation
- The Fedora Project
- The Julia Language
- The Linux Foundation
- The MacPorts Project
- The ns-3 Network Simulator Project
- The OpenBSD Foundation
- The OpenCog Foundation
- The OpenStack Foundation
- The Perl Foundation
- The Privly Foundation
- The Processing Foundation
- The STE||AR Group
- The syslog-ng project
- The Tor Project and EFF
- The Wine Project
- The Wiselib
- ThinkUp
- TimVideos.us
- TYPO3 Association
- Visualization Toolkit (VTK)
- Wikimedia
- WordPress
- WorldForge
- WSO2
- wxWidgets
- X.Org Foundation
- Xapian Search Engine Library
- Xen Project